You Brew You

Serenity Studios and Siracha the Beta Fish w/Donna Layfield

Episode Summary

Donna Layfield is the managing owner of Serenity Studios in the Heights of Houston. Kari met Donna through their mutual sister-friend of the heart Vanessa Vance and we feel it both right and fitting that we opened our time together in prayer. Donna and Kari talk about creative processes, their mutual love for the beauty in imperfect things and for quiete spaces to experience something new.

Episode Notes

Donna Layfield is the managing owner of Serenity Studios in the Heights of Houston. Kari met Donna through their mutual sister-friend of the heart Vanessa Vance and we feel it both right and fitting that we opened our time together in prayer. Donna and Kari talk about creative processes, their mutual love for the beauty in imperfect things and for quiete spaces to experience something new.

Instagram: @serenety_studios_tx

Twitter: @serenetystudio3

Facebook: @serenetyartstudios

Drink: Earl Grey Tea (sometimes with a little lemon)

Product: essential oils from doTerra (which you can get right there at Serenety Studios!)

Listening to/Reading: Tools for Mindful Living by Maria Nappoli

Hashtagable Quotes: #theputtputtpuppy #sirachathebetafish #thebeautyofimperfection #embracingimperfection #ramonaquimby #alooserepresentationofthatobject #integratedhealthcare #yousmelllikeamediteraniansalad