You Brew You

The Way of Love for Kids #5

Episode Summary

The Way of Love for Kids talks today with friends Anna Kate and Vincent all about our third practice, PRAY.

Episode Notes

The Way of Love for Kids is a walk through a thoughtful set of practices designed to draw each of us closer to the heart of God. Over twelve episodes we will explore ways to connect with God and each other. Some of these practices may be familiar, while others may invite you toward a new way of wondering about God and this Way of Love.

Today KariAnn visits with friends Vincent and Anna Kate. We talk about when we feel closest to God, when we like to talk to God AND we take a challenge to say grace over our dinners for the entire week. We invite you to strap in (if you are in the car - parents drive the speed limit) and/or settle in for a few minutes of wondering and wandering with us on the Way of Love for Kids.

Questions from The Way of Love for Kids Episode #5: Do you pray at home? When do you feel closest to God during the day? When you talk to God, is there a specific way you need to sit or hold your hands? Are there special words you have to say? Did someone teach you how to pray? Do you remember a specific prayer you said at meal times? Do you always remember to pray at meal times? Do you think it matters to God how we sit, hold our hands or the words we use? Do you think that there is a specific way to pray or a way you shouldn't pray? Is it okay to cry when you pray? Is it okay to be angry and pray? Do we always have to like God's plan? Do you have a certain time of day when you talk best to God or that you feel like God hears you best? What do you think God does when people pray for different outcomes?

Additional Questions for wondering: How does prayer make you feel about God?

Challenge/Question(s)/Practice: 1. One way of making prayer a part of your day is to pray before meals. Can you help your family remember to pray before a meal each day this week? 2. Did you know that silence is ALSO an act of prayer? That getting your mind, your body and your mouth quiet can actually be a form of prayer. Can you try to sit in silence for 2 whole minutes? 3. Take a prayer walk - Thank God for all the things you see. 4. Have you ever made a list of folks you can pray for every night at bedtime?

Call and leave us a message telling us about your favorite practice - we'd love to hear from you. Be sure to inclued your FIRST NAMES ONLY, city and state along with your story. Our number is 832.377.1973

Produced by Ron Lessner and Alex Orman
Kraft Services: Elizabeth Cuevas
Technical Support: Christy Orman, Jody Gillit, Dave & Sarah Wallace
Social Media/Photography: Hannah Roberts, Keatyn Lessner & Torie Ludwin
Content Development: Canon Becky Zartman
Sound: The happy playground noise of Cathdral House Episcopal School children in downtown Houston

Prayers for Faithful Families: Everyday Prayers for Everyday Life by Traci Smith
The Very Best Day: the Way of Love for Children by Roger Hutchison
Prayer for Young Persons from the Book of Common Prayer

*You Brew You will return with a brand new format April 14, 2020 (Lord willing!)